Do not throw away the watermelon rind: 10 magical benefits of watermelon rinds

The sweet pulp of watermelon is loved by both adults and children. But we threw away the watermelon rind without hesitation. But they have useful properties that not everyone knows about.
Their use in raw, dry or infusion forms helps to treat a number of common ailments – eg high blood pressure, constipation, etc.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins of watermelon rind

Watermelon rind has a rich chemical composition:

  • water – 90%;
  • fructose – 5%;
  • sucrose – 5%;
  • glucose – 10%;
  • pectin – 1%;
  • fiber – 0.5%;
  • omega-3 and omega-6;
  • elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, aluminum, copper, zinc, manganese, iron;
  • plant polyphenols and flavonoids.

In addition, they contain important amino acids: valine; citrulline; isoleucine; threonine; phenylalanine. Rich in crust and vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, B9, A, E. Calorie content is 18 kcal – 1.15% daily value.

Useful properties of watermelon rinds and their uses

Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of watermelon rind., so they throw them away, but in vain. There is less moisture and sugar in the skin than in the flesh, but more fiber and chlorophyll, amino acids and several other active ingredients.
+ Attention! Watermelon rind can be used as diuretic, analgesic, cleansing, choleretic and expectorant.

For the human body

  1. With diseases of the heart and kidneys, edema subsides.
  2. They normalize metabolism.
  3. Reduce high blood pressure.
  4. Reduces the severity of cellulite, promotes weight loss.
  5. With gout, they improve health.
  6. Promote the body’s recovery process after a severe illness or long-term drug treatment.
  7. Removes excess salts, toxins and poisons.
  8. They suppress inflammatory processes in the digestive system.
  9. They normalize stool frequency and quality, have a positive effect on bowel function.
  10. Makes it easier for kidney stones to move, while reducing the chance of new stones forming.

watermelon rind

Watermelon rind is widely used in folk medicine:

  1. Broth has a diuretic effect, used for people with problems with the genitourinary system.
  2. They drink the solution for various edema caused by diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and blood vessels.
  3. Drinking decoction daily helps prevent the progression of urolithiasis.

What are the benefits of watermelon rind in aesthetics?

Watermelon rind has also found its place in the aesthetic. Most often, masks are made on their basis. – this allows it to refresh, rejuvenate, saturate it with useful substances.

watermelon rind

Despite the benefits, uncontrolled use of large amounts of infusions, decoctions and other means based on berry peels is prohibited… Before use, you should consult your doctor. a specialist and only then start treatment. Applying according to the scheme and within the norm will help to cure the disease and not cause harm to health.

To the beauticians

Consider some recipes for using watermelon rind in cosmetology:

  1. Fresh watermelon peeled, add a little olive oil, mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the resulting mask on the face, leave for half an hour and wash off with warm water. This product is great for those with oily skin.
  2. Watermelon rind is crushed on a blender, add sour cream and a little honey, mix well until a paste is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with water. The product helps to hydrate and refresh the skin.
watermelon rind

Harm and contraindications

Watermelon and its rind have no serious contraindications… Watermelon rind should not be eaten in the following cases:

  • frequent or chronic loose stools;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • with exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with diabetes mellitus; with advanced forms of obesity.

Watermelon rind is also made into jam


Watermelon is not only a delicious berry, but also a source of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. You can even improve your health with watermelon rind.

We supply watermelon rind and products made from watermelon rind, if you are interested please check our website.

Hope this article will be helpful to you.

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