What is the effect of mangosteen peel? Unexpected benefits from mangosteen peel

Mangosteen peel has many great uses, after enjoying the delicious intestines inside, don’t throw the peel away. The following article will reveal to you the very good uses of mangosteen peel.

mangosteen peel

Mangosteen peel ingredients

Mangosteen is considered “the queen of fruits when classified as functional foods, containing a large amount of nutrients that are very beneficial to human health such as: bitter compounds xanthones, 7-13% vitamins, magostin and resins.

Especially, the xanthones compounds in mangosteen peel have the properties of helping to heal wounds, anti-oxidation, analgesia, and antibacterial.

This substance not only treats acne and makes wounds heal very quickly, xanthone also kills bacteria such as penicillin- or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus… so it has attracted the attention of scientists. study in the world and in Vietnam.

The amazing uses of mangosteen peel

1. Uses of beauty

Treat melasma and freckles

Just wash the mangosteen peel, scrape off the flesh with a spoon and put it in a blender, add a spoonful of lemon juice, a spoon of honey and mix it into a paste. Apply this mixture on your face, relax for about 15 to 20 minutes. With this formula, freckles, and dark scars will quickly disappear, the effect is very unexpected.

Acne treatment

Another use of mangosteen skin care is to treat acne. The anti-inflammatory components present in the mangosteen peel help prevent the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin, thus effectively treating acne.

Dry the grated mangosteen peel, grind them into small pieces, when you need to use it, mix it with 4 teaspoons of olive oil and apply the mixture on your face for about 30 minutes, wash it off.

Do the above method once a week, you will see very desirable results.

Anti aging skin

In addition to the above uses, mangosteen peel also offers the ability to fight skin aging, fade scars very miraculously. Abundant sources of vitamins A, E, C in mangosteen peel help nourish cells, fill muscle tissue, increase skin elasticity.

2. Health benefits of mangosteen peel

Prevent cancer

Mangosteen peel is widely used in anti-cancer research. A Malaysian study found that xanthones in mangosteen are effective against colon cancer; The American University of Illinois also published a thesis related to the effectiveness of mangosteen in reducing the development of prostate cancer.

Improve immune system

The xanthone in mangosteen, in addition to anti-cancer effects, also has the effect of strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.

Lowers blood pressure, regulates blood sugar

Besides, thanks to the high content of xanthones, mangosteen peel also reduces blood pressure. This type of peel is especially good for people with high blood pressure.

In addition, people with diabetes should also add mangosteen peel to their menu because of its ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

We are a supplier mangosteen peel  in Vietnam, if you have a need to buy mangosteen peel, please contact me.

whatsapp: +84364772308

Email: info@vdelta.com.vn

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