Green banana powder: 5 great health benefits from this trendy ingredient

Green banana powder is a familiar flour to those who are interested in gluten-free flour, but abroad it has become popular among people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

You may not know, it is a type of powder included in the list of 19 new healthy ingredients for cooking. It is becoming more popular because it provides a rich source of resistant starch, also known as insoluble fiber, making it a suitable choice for those inclined towards keto or other diets.

1/ What is green banana powder?

Starch resists being broken down into sugar. This may help reduce blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can help you feel fuller, reduce PH levels, and help reduce cell damage. Another plus for green banana flour and other forms of resistant starch like our green meal as an example, is that it helps build beneficial bacteria in the gut. This beneficial bacteria helps protect internal cells.

2/ Benefits of green banana powder

  • May improve the negative effects of metabolic syndrome
  • Promotes a healthy colon
  • May reduce insulin sensitivity
  • May aid weight loss
  • Can reduce Cholesterol levels
2.1. May improve the negative effects of metabolic syndrome:

Metabolic syndrome is not a common disease but it is a set of risk factors related to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, obesity and high cholesterol levels. The problem is, while any of these factors are dangerous, even taking them all together makes the situation worse, possibly increasing the risk of disease. diabetes increased about 5 times. These problems can cause heart disease and stroke.

A study in Brazil was conducted to investigate the effects of green banana powder consumption as it relates to weight and body measurements in obese women. It is thought that because banana powder’s low glycemic index, it may improve weight and overall health in people with metabolic syndrome.

2.2. Promotes healthy intestines:

A healthy colon requires a healthy gut, which is why probiotics and prebiotics are so popular these days. What does this have to do with green banana flour and green banana resistant starch? When bacteria feed on resistant starch, it produces a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. Butyrate is helpful for the cells lining the colon (which maintain intestinal barrier function), as it keeps them healthy, even helping to fight cancer cells.

2.3. May reduce insulin sensitivity:

With the resistant starch properties that green banana powder brings, it can reduce insulin sensitivity. A Louisiana State University System study conducted on rats found that on a high-fat diet, supplementation with butyrate – formed from the fermentation of green banana pulp in the intestine – resulted in maintenance of weight without reducing food intake. The study concluded that through dietary supplementation butyrate can prevent and treat diet-induced insulin resistance.

2.4. May aid weight loss:

While resistant starch helps keep blood sugar levels under control, it can also help with weight loss. Green banana powder provides a large amount of resistant starch, a rich source of fiber, so when you eat it you can feel full sooner because it promotes satiety.

2.5. Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels:

Foods that are considered sources of resistant starch can lower cholesterol levels, meaning that green banana flour itself is a cholesterol-lowering food.

2/ Nutrition from green banana powder

It’s no surprise that green banana flour is a good source of potassium, but that’s not all. One cup (about 100g) of green banana powder contains about:

  • 346 calories
  • 88.3 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3.9 grams of protein
  • 1.8 grams of fat
  • 9.9 grams of fiber
  • 1,491 milligrams Potassium (43% DV)
  • 0.6 milligrams manganese (29% DV)
  • 108 milligrams magnesium (27% DV)
  • 0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (22% DV)
  • 0.4 milligram copper (20% DV)
  • 0.2 milligrams riboflavin (14% DV)
  • 2.8 milligrams niacin (14% DV)
  • 7 milligrams vitamin C (12% DV)
  • 0.2 milligram thiamine (12% DV)
  • 74 milligrams phosphorus (7% DV)
  • 1.2 milligrams iron (6% DV)
  • 3.9 micrograms selenium (6% DV)
  • 248 international units of vitamin A (5% DV)

In addition, green banana powder also contains some vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, calcium and zinc.


Is green banana powder good? Green banana powder is very good for everyone’s health. Consuming green banana powder can help you lose weight, monitor insulin levels, or help treat symptoms of metabolic syndrome, but it’s important to consume it in moderation every day.

In addition, if you are someone who needs to avoid gluten and have a healthy gluten-free diet, this is definitely an option for baked goods and sauces. So try this popular new ingredient for an extra dose of nutritional health in the powder you choose

Our company is always ready to provide you with large quantities of green banana powder. If you have a need for this product, please quickly contact us

Whatsapp: +84364772308

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