9 health benefits of chili you need to know

Chili can be considered a popular food in the world, especially in Vietnam. They are an indispensable spice that adds a spicy flavor to dishes. So did you know that chili has many benefits for human health? Please join us to find out through the article below.

1/ Nutritional composition of chili

Chili contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body as follows:

  • Vitamin A: 100g of chili will contain about 638 mg of vitamin A. This nutrient is converted from the compound beta-carotene.
  • Vitamin C: This is a nutrient abundant in chili peppers, accounting for about 143.7 mg of vitamin C, which helps slow down the aging process, heal wounds quickly and strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin K: Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is essential for blood clotting and healthy bones and kidneys. Chili peppers contain about 14 mcg of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6: As a family of B vitamins, B6 plays a role in energy metabolism in the human body. This vitamin accounts for about 0.506 mg in chili
  • Potassium: An essential dietary mineral that serves a variety of functions, potassium may reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed in adequate amounts. Chili peppers contain about 322 mg of potassium.
  • Copper: accounting for 0.125 mg, copper is an essential trace element, important for strong bones and healthy nerve cells.
  • Capsanthin: The main carotenoid in red peppers – accounting for up to 50% of the total carotenoid content – capsanthin is responsible for their red color. Its powerful antioxidant properties can fight cancer.
  • Lutein: Most abundant in unripe peppers, lutein levels decrease as they mature. Consuming more lutein may improve eye health.
  • Capsaicin: One of the most researched plant compounds in chili peppers, capsaicin is responsible for its pungent flavor and many effects on human health.
  • Ferulic acid: Similar to sinapic acid, ferulic acid is an antioxidant that may help protect against various chronic diseases in the body

2/ Its miraculous effects

The rich source of nutrients contained in them brings many benefits to human health. If used in sufficient amounts, you will see them promote the following benefits:

2.1 Pain relief

It can help relieve pain because the sensory receptors will be inhibited by capsaicin, making us not feel pain after using chili.

2.2 Losing weight

An unexpected benefit of them for human health is supporting weight loss. Because chili peppers contain capsaicin, it can promote weight loss by reducing appetite and increasing fat burning.

2.3 Reduce the risk of cancer

It is also a potential natural remedy to fight cancer progression. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, capsaicin and antioxidants in chili peppers can kill cancer cells in leukemia and prostate cancer. This is largely due to chili peppers’ high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

2.4 Control blood sugar levels

It can be said that chili helps diabetics effectively control sugar levels. Eating them in sufficient amounts helps control insulin levels in the blood.

2.5 Good for cardiovascular

Chili peppers can also be a great way to support your cardiovascular system and prevent heart disease. they are high in potassium, which is a mineral that supports several functions in the human body.

Potassium combined with folate may reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, potassium can help relax your blood vessels, helping blood flow more easily throughout your body.

Besides that, chili peppers also contain riboflavin and niacin, which are two responsible for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, chili peppers can also protect your blood fats against free radicals.

2.6 Fights fungal infections, colds and flu

The characteristic red color of chili peppers indicates that it is rich in beta-carotene or provitamin A. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy respiratory, intestinal and urinary systems. Additionally, vitamin A and vitamin C in chili peppers are important in building your immunity against infections and diseases.

If you have nasal congestion or allergies, capsaicin nasal spray may help relieve your symptoms. Furthermore, capsaicin has some antibacterial properties that can fight chronic sinus infections. If you are suffering from a high fever, hot peppers can not only soothe the pain but can also stimulate the immune system to fight virus.

2.7 Reduce joint pain

Chili peppers can be used to relieve joint pain. Because Capsaicin binds to pain receptors and causes a burning sensation that can desensitize your pain receptors over time. You can apply itto your skin to reduce pain and discomfort. In this way, capsaicin acts as a pain reliever. In addition, they can also be used to treat shingles, joint pain, and neuropathy caused by HIV.

2.8 Anti-inflammatory

Capsaicin in chili peppers inhibits substance P, a neuropeptide responsible for inflammation in the human body. As such, capsaicin is considered a potential treatment for sensory nerve blockade, such as pain caused by arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, and psoriasis.

2.9 Promotes the development of red blood cells

It can support the formation of new blood cells and promote the development of red blood cells. This is because  are rich in copper and iron, so they have the ability to treat symptoms of anemia and fatigue.

In addition, it also contain folic acid, which is key to fighting anemia and creating healthy red blood cells for the body. Especially for pregnant women, because folic acid deficiency can lead to birth defects in newborns, mothers need to pay attention to this issue.

2.10 Improve eye health

Vitamin A is important in keeping your eyesight healthy. They are known to prevent night blindness and eye degeneration. One tablespoon of chili in your diet contains 9% of your daily vitamin A needs.

3/ People should not use chili in dishes

It can bring many magical and health benefits. However, eating them regularly is not recommended because they are very spicy and hot.

Many people always wonder if eating a lot of them is good? This also depends largely on the user’s body. There are some people who are advised not to eat chili to ensure they maintain their health.

  • Patients with certain diseases such as heart disease, brain disease, blood vessel disease or high blood pressure should not eat chili. Although it can prevent stomach cancer, people with stomach ulcers should not eat it. The spicy taste of this product has strong antibacterial properties, but at the same time it will also cause severe burns on wounds upon contact. It can be seen that if you are not careful in preparing chili, you will burn your skin. Therefore, if you have stomach ulcers or throat ulcers, you should especially not eat chili
  • Pregnant women especially should not use it in the menu. Although some regions have the custom of using it as the main spice in dishes, this is dangerous for pregnant women. The hot and spicy nature of them will make the mother hot, affecting her health and limiting the fetus’s ability to absorb nutrients when the mother’s body is not regulated. In addition, when the mother eats spicy food and passes into the milk of the baby, it will also cause the baby to have hot flashes, difficulty sleeping and often cry.

Our company is always ready to provide you with large quantities of dried/ frozen/ fresh chili. If you have a need for this product, please quickly contact us
Email: info@vdelta.com.vn

Whatsapp: +84364772308

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