7+ effects of passion flower – notes when using

1/ What is the passion flower?

The passion flower in the Vietnam is also known as the longan tree or the bunch tree, soul fairy, dragon fruit, etc. Also known scientifically as Passiflora foetida, belongs to the passionflower family – Passifloraceae. This is a precious medicinal plant, shaped like a vine with tendrils.

2/ Morphological and physiological characteristics of passion flower:

  • It is a climbing vine, the stem is soft and has many soft hairs, the stem is hollow, the leaves grow alternately in a heart shape, the stipules are torn at the edges, the leaf edges are wavy and split into 3 lobes, the middle lobe is higher than the 2 adjacent lobes. , tendrils grow from the leaf axils, have purple, thread-shaped appendages.
    The flowers are white, the passion fruit is 3cm long, egg-shaped, thin-shelled, berry-shaped, covered by bracts that exist like a bag on the outside, yellow when ripe and can be eaten, very delicious and nutritious. In many places, young passionflower tops and vines are also picked to boil and eat or make soup to help cool them down.
  • Harvest in spring.
  • The bracts of this plant have insect traps, from which a sticky substance with digestive enzymes flows, but it is not known whether the plant digests trapped insects or just uses this weapon as a mechanism. protects the flowers and fruits of the tree. This remains a controversial and researched topic among carnivorous plant researchers.
  • Parts used: Whole plant.
  • Distribution: Pan-tropical species, growing wild everywhere, climbing in open fields and bushes. Also often grown in medicinal gardens.
  • Harvesting: Harvest the whole plant and dry it.
  • Chemical composition of passionflower: The plant contains active ingredients such as: Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins.
  • Passionflower has a sweet and bitter taste, cool properties, and has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

3/ 7 effects of passion flower

Passion flower has many uses in protecting health, including treating diseases such as:

3.1 Nervous breakdown, insomnia, difficulty sleeping

Currently, the rate of people suffering from insomnia is increasing. As people get older, they often suffer from insomnia. At the same time, people who are stressed and anxious due to work and life pressure also have difficulty sleeping. Not getting enough sleep will make the body tired, lethargic, and unable to concentrate on work. Many people even take sedatives to sleep, but that’s not good.

Passionflower is considered extremely good for the circulatory system as well as the heart. 8 – 16g passion flower decocted and drunk, used alone or combined with Vong leaves, Mulberry leaves, Lotus heart cooked into a liquid paste, used 2 – 5g per day, divided into several doses, should be taken before going to bed.

3.2 Dermatological problems such as dermatitis

People with skin diseases often have acne, rashes, itching and discomfort, can even get scabies, and have many ulcers on their limbs and all parts of their body, seriously affecting their quality of life. amount of life. You will not need to use any other oral or topical medications, just drink passion flower juice or passionflower decoction every day to help quickly recover from the disease. Passion flower has a cool and sweet taste, so it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying the body very well, helping to treat heat in the body. Therefore, it will help eliminate all itchy acne and heal wounds quickly. People even bathe in passion fruit water to prevent skin diseases.

3.3 Cough

For people with cough due to waste heat, drinking decoction from passion flower will help clear heat and cure cough effectively and safely without the need for antibiotics.

3.4 Dysentery, diarrhea

People who often suffer from dysentery show that their digestive system is not good. If prolonged, it will cause severe dehydration, fatigue, thinness and lack of vitality. The ingredients in the passion fruit tree are considered very good for the digestive system, so if you have diarrhea or dysentery, you only need to use 60g of dried passion flower, wash it, boil it to drink, and add more. sugar, drink twice a day before eating.

3.5 People with cough due to waste heat

People with heat in the body that lasts for a long time will lead to coughing. If the condition persists, it will lead to more serious symptoms. To quickly eliminate this condition, the patient only needs to drink passionflower decoction every day or can cook passion flower into liquid form and drink every day. One day the illness will be cured.

3.6 Long-term fatigue and stress

Passion flower contains many vitamins, especially vitamin B2, which helps replenish the body’s energy, maintain good health, and fight stress. Pick 300g of passion fruit (including leaves, vines, fruit), dry in the sun for 2 days until golden. Add 200g of corn and 100g of pennywort (so it’s just wilted). Put in a clay pot with 500ml of water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, boil to 200ml of water. Divide and drink twice a day, noon and evening. Persistent drinking for 7 days will have sedative and anti-stress effects.

3.7 Dermatitis, scabies, itching

For complete treatment, use passionflower leaves in sufficient quantity, boil water, bathe and wash.

The medicine is a sedative, has the effect of supporting the heart, promoting sleep, and calming the nerves

4/ Side effects of passionflower

Some side effects of passionflower are:

  • Passionflower medicine has a sedative effect and creates good sleep, so many people abuse it and use it too much, causing the opposite effect of frequent insomnia.
  • Overdose will cause anxiety, fatigue, restlessness for no reason and loss of alertness when handling work.
  • When used by women who are pregnant or about to become pregnant, it will cause uterine contractions, making them susceptible to miscarriage.
  • Some people use too much and it will cause heart palpitations, nausea, and difficulty controlling the mind.

Our company is always ready to provide you with large quantities of dried passion flower tea . If you have a need for this product, please quickly contact us
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