Boost Growth, Enhance Flavor – Choose Molasses Pellet
What is molasses?
Molasses is a sweet and viscous liquid extracted from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Sugarcane is a plant in the Poaceae family and is commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
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To obtain molasses, people often cut off the top of the sugarcane and collect the sweet juice that flows from the inside. Sugarcane juice contains a lot of sugar, mainly fructose and glucose, along with other nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Molasses is widely used as a raw material in the food industry to produce cane sugar, cane honey and other products. In addition, molasses is also used directly in cooking, beverages and beauty because of its sweet and cool taste and nutritional benefits.
Great benefits of molasses
- Molasses is used mainly (over 50%) as animal feed in the world. Molasses is also used as a supplement in the production of green silage. In addition, molasses is also used for fermentation to produce products such as ethanol, yeast, amino acids and citric acid as well as used in the brick and tile industry.
- Molasses is used as an energy source and as a dust absorber. Dust control is important because livestock are susceptible to dust-induced lung disease and dust is a problem for farmers. Dust also increases feed waste. It has been shown that 10% molasses can remove practically all dust and 30% can remove fine particles.
- Molasses has been used to feed livestock (both ruminants and monogastrics) in many tropical countries.
- In the past, molasses was often fed to livestock at relatively low levels in the diet (usually less than 20% of the diet). However, recent studies in Cuba have shown that molasses can be used as an alternative to cereals as a solution to intensive livestock farming in the tropics. Molasses can be fed to livestock in a number of ways, including mixing molasses with other feeds, diluting molasses to provide energy directly, or using it as a source of non-protein nitrogen (NPN), vitamins, minerals, and even veterinary drugs.
How to use molasses as animal feed, poultry feed, ruminant feed and nutritional cake for livestock and poultry?
- Mix molasses directly with industrial feed, corn, wheat, rice bran, straw, etc. or mix it into drinking water for livestock and poultry
=> This is the simplest way to use molasses for livestock. Molasses mixed with bran and feed will increase sweetness, nutrients, stimulate livestock to eat more deliciously and more, helping farmers reduce feed costs. In addition, molasses also contains many minerals, macro and micro elements, promoting the development process for livestock. However, if you want to achieve better livestock farming efficiency, you should use EM1 original probiotics combined with molasses to ferment into EM2 secondary probiotics. This way, you can supplement nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that are good for the development process and enhance the resistance of livestock.
- Use molasses to ferment raw materials such as corn, cassava pulp, green grass… to feed livestock, store for a long time, in case there is too much feed for livestock to eat in time or there is drought, storms and no grass…
- You can ferment grass with the following simple formula: 100 kg of grass (corn stalks, wheat…) chopped + 3 kg of molasses + a little salt => mix well and incubate in a sealed plastic bag, do not let air in. After about 2 to 3 weeks, the grass will turn yellow and smell sour like pickled cucumber, then we can feed it to buffaloes, cows… In addition, there are many other formulas, we can combine molasses with EM1 probiotics or rice bran,… to ferment grass for buffaloes and cows to eat.
- Another type of livestock, although newly appeared, is also receiving a lot of attention and investment from farmers, which is the black soldier fly. However, the food of black soldier flies is mainly spoiled vegetables, tubers, fruits, leftovers, agricultural waste such as soybeans, rice bran… During the feeding process, the fly larvae will produce a very unpleasant odor and many types of harmful bacteria…
- You can handle this problem by using molasses and EM1 yeast to ferment into EM2 secondary yeast, then spray it on the fly food to reduce the unpleasant odor and provide beneficial microorganisms… for dry black soldier fly farming.
- As for wet black soldier fly farming, we can grind the food and mix it with EM2 solution into a liquid mixture; then put this liquid mixture into the larval feeding trough so that the larvae are submerged in the mixture, it will eat the ground food in the mixture and not cause a bad odor. If the mixture dries out after a long time, you can add more EM2 solution.
Where to buy Molasses Pellet at a good price and high quality?
With the above outstanding effects, Molasses Pellet become an indispensable part of today’s life.To buy high quality Molasses Pellet you need to choose a reputable supplier. VietDelta is one of the most reputable Molasses Pellet suppliers.
VietDelta is committed to providing high quality products that meet international standards. A team of experienced, highly qualified, dedicated and enthusiastic experts are always ready to accompany. Help customers choose high quality Molasses Pellet particles that suit their needs.
If you want to learn more details, please contact VietDelta directly via hotline +84 028 3511 5601. Or visit the website for advice and accurate quotes. Sincerely thank you!
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